Rhythmic Engagement Programmes Presents (REP. Presents) is a set of facilitated, interactive rhythmic experiences for personal, group and corporate development which uses rhythm as a it's key tool.
It is a fun, effective, convenient, affordable and evidence based tool which can be used to promote social, physical, intellectual and emotional development across all segments of society. From the corporate training room down to the kindergarten classroom and through the special needs community halls.
Our facilitators are trained, certified and experienced in the following programmes:-
- Village Music Circles Drum Circle Facilitation
- Remo HealthRhythms
- Simon Faulkner's Rhythm 2 Recovery
- Rhythmbridge's Expressive Rhythm Stories (ERS)
- Afro-Brazilian Collective Malaysia's Business of Batucada
- Afro-Brazilian Collective Malaysia's Make Some Nice Noise (Rhythm Making for Everyone)