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Drum Circle…a rhythm-based event (recreational music making), applicable to Communities, Corporations, Organizations, Education, Specific Populations (Special Needs) and as a tool for ice-breaking and bring unity in any event.     

It is neither a drum class nor using culturally-specific rhythms.

In Drum Circle, people empower each other in the act of celebrating community and life through rhythm and music (facilitated by Drum Circle Facilitators). Using drums as the main tools in Drum Circle has its many benefits too for health and wellness purposes.


Visit the links below for:

Why drums and drum circles:


Benefits of drumming:


Drumming as a healing strategy:


Community Drum Circle:

Our principal, Kennedy Michael, graduated recently from The Village Music Circle DCF Programme created by it's founder

and world renowned DCF Icon, Arthur Hull and South East Asia's only Certified DCF Trainer, John J Hagedorn of MYBeat Malaysia.












Drum Circle Activities 2017 

We are now able to offer Drum Circles as part of our Rhythmic Engagement Programme for communities, education settings and corporations.

Supporting our friends at MYBeat Drum Circle Malaysian Parkinson's Disease Association (MPDA) 2017.

Photos courtesy of John J Hagedorn and Everett Yeoh.

Drum Circle at KeepAble Cancer Community at their inaugural event. Great fun on the Walkathon Day 2017  

Drum Circle at Victoria Institutions Field for KL Old Boys Cup Football Tournament Kuala Lumpur 2017 

  Energizing Drum Circle @ OhanaJo Studio (Jojo Struy's Studio) 2017 

 Brief appearance on TV 1, supporting MYBeat Drum Circle for Costume Charity Walk 3km in conjunction with National Skin Day 2017

 Drum Circle @ Oasis Community Carnival Celebrating The F.A.C.E Of Urban Culture @ Oasis Village 2017

  Supporting our friend, Everett Yeoh, for Drum Circle for Selangor & Federal Territory Gardening Society at Restoran Rebung Datuk Cef 

  Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.   

  Drum Circle for Wellness for Caring With You's employees (Dementia Centre). Left to right (centre): Dee & Helen, co-founder of the centre.













  Part of MYBeat Drum Circle team for Murfest 2017 Drum Circle at Le Meridian Hotel Putrajaya


   Part of MYBeat Drum Circle team at RIUH, APW Bangsar  

  Invited by Assoc Prof Dr Loh Siew Yim (Dr Loh in purple attire), University Malaya for Drum Circle for Wellness at KeepAble Cancer Community Centre in conjunction with the 5th AHLA     

  International Health Literacy Conference  (Health Literacy & Population Health) KL, 12 Nov to 14  Nov 2017 , hosted by University Malaya.  The delegates ,comprising from Professors, Scientists &

  Researches had great laughter and fun during the Drum Circle session. 



GTower Kuala Lumpur Christmas Team Building Drum Circle 

Drum Circles 2018 

​MYBeat Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation, by John J Hagedorn



Introduction of Drum Circle to Special Needs Educators & Fitness Instructor

Rhythm Beats Parkinson’s -2018/S1 (13th January 2018) - Supporting John J Hagedorn, MYBeat Community Drum Circle 

​​Photos by MPDA

Drum Circle for Women do Wonders (WOW) Fiesta @ The Starling Mall 11 March 2018, an event by The STAR










Community Drum Circle for Earth Hour MPAJ @ Melawati Mall, Taman Melawati, 24 March 2018 


Rhythm Beats Parkinson’s -2018/S2 (10th April 2018) - Supporting John J Hagedorn, MYBeat Community Drum Circle









Drum Circle  for Wellness at Heart Sanctuary  

D Happy Club - Community Drum Circle for Seniors.

Melawati Mall - Community Drum Circle at rooftop in conjunction with FIFA World Cup Final Screening.