HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming Programme
Latest News
Syuen Toh & Kennedy Michael recently completed their first of many to come additional training and continuous learning commitment by successfully participating in and completing the first ever Remo HealthRHYTHMS Basic Facilitation Training Programme conducted in Malaysia. The programme was part of the third edition of the biennial Asian Rhythm Facilitators' Conference 2016 and was taught by co-founder of the Remo HealthRHYTHMS programme, Ms. Christine Stevens MSW, MT-BC, MA. For more information on the trainer, please visit http://remo.com/experience/post/healthrhythms-trainers/
Fitogether is pleased to annouce that our two founding members were part of this historic programme and will now be able to offer an additional WELLNESS programme - HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming Programme.
Who Founded HealthRHYTHMS?
The HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming Programme was developed by neurologist Barry Bittman, Medical Doctor (MD) in collaboration with Remo Inc.. Remo was interested in discovering ways to use the company's core competencies to make the world a better place. At the conclusion of the study of the immune system effects, Christine K. Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA, Karl Bruhn and Barry Bittman, MD worked together to develop the training program to teach the specific protocol which demonstrated a healthful biological impact. The protocol was named “HealthRHYTHMS”.
What is HealthRHYTHMS?
HealthRHYTHMS is a scientifically developed, proven wellness and community bonding programme.
It can be used as a standalone or complementary activity to a person’s wellness and community’s bonding initiatives.
It is interactive, integrative and uses a whole person approach for:
Wellness initiatives | Interpersonal support and bonding | Stress management, among others..
This group empowerment drumming it's not about inspiring successful drumming,
but uses the drum as a tool for wellness and community bonding.
HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming Programme is supported by research that demonstrates significant benefits, such as:
* Reduces Stress
(HealthRhythms protocol reverses biological responses at the DNA level that can lead to the development of a host of
common diseases).
* Strengthens the Immune System
(Increases Natural Killer (NK) cell activity (cells that seek out and destroy cancer and virally infected cells)
* Improve Mood & Reduces Burnout
* Inspires Creativity & Bonding
HealthRHYTHMS is an ideal programme in any settings (clinical or non-clinical area) and applicable in any population (children, adult, family, corporate, elderly people, people with challenges and/or facing challenges in life).
Wherever wellness and interpersonal bonding is sought, HealthRHYTHMS comes in as the perfect fit.
The outcome is, everyone in the group comes together to an empowering therapeutic experience.
You do not need any musical ability, experience or knowledge.
Percussion instruments and drums will be provided for all participants.
For more information about HealthRHYTHMS, please visit http://remo.com/experience/health-and-wellness/?tags=whyhealthrhythms
Discover and Experience about this one-hour programme through the one time discounted session.
Contact HealthRHYTHMS Facilitator:
Syuen Toh . amplify@adrenaline.com.my
Kennedy Michael amplitude@adrenaline.com.my
The Asian Rhythm Facilitators' Conference 2016 - HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drumming Workshop with
Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA
Photos by John J Hagedorn, Organiser
Community HealthRHYTHM by Kennedy & Syuen and Community work by Pauline Siu's team at Aunty Phyllis home, PJ
HealthRHYTHM session at The Learning Connection Centre, Mont Kiara
HealthRHYTHM session at Tokio Marine Malaysia Berhad, KL
HealthRHYTHM session at Caring With You, KL
Introduction of HealthRHYTHM to Special Needs Educators & Fitness Instructor