What is Capoeira?
Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian dance-fight-game. It is more than 500 years old and is played at all levels by all kinds of ordinary people around the world. You train to defend, attack and move rhythmically, acrobatically.
Music in Capoeira
Capoeira is played to music. Advanced students also learn to play the instruments of a Capoeira orchestra (no musical training or experience needed), Batucada (Brazilian percussion band), the dances Samba, Forro and Maculele. All these are high intensity, cardio and rhythm driven, physical activities which are fun and fats burning.
WARNING!!! Side Effects of Capoeira!
Capoeira combines the benefits of and complements other physical disciplines. Side effects of Capoeira include weight loss, whole body strength development, increased flexibility, more defined muscle tone, better stamina and a higher level of fitness. Capoeira definitely benefits your training in any other sport or workout that you do. No equipment is needed. No martial arts or dance experience needed either. All it takes is your body, your energy, your passion and your sense of fun.
Who is Capoeira for?
Capoeira is for everyone. This means that you discover your physical and mental limitations and decide if you want to go past them or stay with them. Young, old, male or female can train and adapt capoeira to suit their fitness objectives as well their physical and mental limitations. Capoeira itself becomes the facilitators for your own fitness targets. You start at whatever level of fitness you are at and work your way to whatever level of fitness you want to get to. It can be as light or as intense as you want it to be.
The only people that Capoeira is not for are those who don’t like movement or rhythm based workouts, prefer to workout with equipment, have a medical condition that requires them to abstain from high intensity workouts OR those who are afraid of facing their limitations and overcoming them.
Give it a go. Find out about you. And amaze yourself by doing things you never thought you were capable of.
"Capoeira: Study it like a Science, Train it like a Craft, Play it like an Art" -
Graduado Azeitona @ CC.MY