Arts!@RiverThree Production
Community Theatre Making
Taman Melawati River Three Park
(Seasons 1, 2, 3)
Season 1 Audition is now open!
Are you a Malaysian age 10 years and above lives in Taman Melawati, wanted to explore in Rhythm / Vocal / Production set / Props / Costume Design / Theatrical / Dance / Movement as a leisure experience but no experience?
Community PLAYMAKING SEASON 1 (12 Workshops on Saturdays)
Registration date : Sat, 10 April 2021
Closing date : Sat, 24 April 2021
Audition date : Sat, 1 May 2021
Free sign up with Limited slots!
A. About Arts!@RiverThree Programme
Arts!@RiverThree is an ongoing initiative to create a Non-Traditional Art Making Venue and Programme at River Three Parks. The Taman Melawati River Three Park is the pilot venue for this programme. The Programme aims to showcase non-traditional art making at the local community level using a cross discipline platform featuring traditional, contemporary, world and digital arts in the fields of musical, visual and performing arts using a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M) based approach with River Conservation, Protection & Rehabilitation (River CPR), Mainstreaming Of Biodiversity Conservation IN River Management and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030 (UN SDG30) as the key subject matters.
There are 3 key aspects to Arts!@RiverThree
1. Creating a Non-Traditional Art Making Space
2. Create a Local Community Based Art Making Programme
3. Use Art Making to teach River CPR, Bio-Diversity Conservation and UN SDD30
1. Circumvent many of the Covid19 restrictions and limitations
2. Puts Art and Art Making back into the hands of local community
3. Makes Art and Art Making much more accessible and affordable compared to traditional spaces
4. Lower costs and higher impact
5. Support government initiatives to build resilient communities
6. Supports Local Agenda 21 and UN SDG 30 by creating income opportunities for local artistes and local
communities and including all segments of society in the creative economy
7. Uses Art and Art Making to introduce River CPR, Biodiversity Conservation and STEAM to local communities
–furthers the Arts & Science Agenda
8. Aims to add vibrancy in a hybrid environment while promoting an inclusive community-engagement activity in Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur.
9. Introduce Arts and Art Making to local communities and uncover new artistic talents within the community
1. Quarterly (Season 1, Season 2, Season 3) Local Community Art Making Programmes @ The Taman Melawati River Three Park will be open for sign up for residents based in Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur only.
2. Each Quarter will be 12 weeks, conducted 4 hours weekly on Saturday – 2pm to 6pm.
Season 1 : 22 May 2021 to 7 Aug 2021
Season 2 : 14 Aug 2021 to 30 Oct 2021
Season 3 : 6 Nov 2021 to 12 Feb 2021
3. Each Season will comprise an introduction to, training in and creation of Music (Rhythm), Music (Vocals & Musicality), Production Arts, Dance & Movement, Acting, Improvisation and Play Making.
4. Participants will create and present a live Showcase at the end of each 12-week workshop. The Showcase will be documented and published on Social and other media.
1. You must be a Malaysian aged 10 years and above.
2. You must be based / residing in Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur.
3. No prior training or experience in Music, Vocals, Theatre/Dance/Movement, Production is needed.
4. There is no fee for participating as this is an initiative funded by the Government of Malaysia under the
CENDANA PENJANA Arts Funding Programme. Therefore, this opportunity is not to be wasted. You must
commit to all 12 workshops in any of the Seasons you sign up for, otherwise, penalties may apply.
Additionally, you would be denying opportunities to other Malaysians.
5. You may apply to be in all 3(Three) Seasons but the decision to accept you is entirely at the sole and final
discretion of the Producer.
6. If you are shortlisted, you will be called for audition. The decision of the Producer is final and no appeals will
be entertained.
7. Sign up is free. However, you will not be entitled to any payment or remuneration.
8. This is a collaborative effort, you are expected to cooperate and comply with the directions of the Producer and Production Team in all aspects and misbehaviors and uncooperative behaviour may result in expulsion from the Production at the sole and final discretion of the Producer.
1. Participants upon registration of their entries transfer all rights including all copyrights and intellectual
property rights to Arts@RiverThree Production absolutely and agree to the official rules and regulation of
this Arts!@RiverThree Programme.
2. You will sign a Release Form that Arts@RiverThree Production shall have the right to distribute, exhibit, or
otherwise exploit any such production, in whole or parts thereof, by any method known and unknown in any
medium in connection with the above content with no recompense or remuneration to you and to release
and discharge Arts@RiverThree Full Production Team from any and all liabilities, loss, costs, damages, or
claims of any nature, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising from, growing out of, or concerning
a breach of the above warranty.
3. Participants upon registration, the Participant shall be deemed to agree to the use by Arts@RiverThree of
the participant’s name, age, and personal description, including photographs and videos, for marketing and
promotional purposes.
4. Participants upon registration, agree that Arts@RiverThree may reproduce collateral materials (including
derivate works) such as books, postcards, calendars, etc. based on or incorporating the
audition/workshop/showcase. All are intended for non-commercial use only.
5. Arts@RiverThree Workshops will be run on Saturdays, subject to weather condition, replacement workshop
will take place on Sunday/s. In each Season, all 12 workshops must be fulfilled.
* Required
Sign up link
Supported by :
